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File #: 20221375   
Type: Consent Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: 10/28/2022 In control: School Board
On agenda: 11/22/2022 Final action: 11/22/2022
Title: Approve Technical Correction to Board Policy 0169.1
Attachments: 1. Rationale Report, 2. po0169.1



Approve Technical Correction to Board Bylaw / Policy 0169.1




Per Board Bylaw 0131.1 - TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS: Periodically it may be deemed necessary to make technical corrections to policies that have already been adopted through normal procedures. These technical corrections may include consolidation of sections, transfer of sections, combining or dividing sections, renumbering subsections, sections, chapters and titles, corrections or additions for grammatical or typographical errors, and/or alterations and omissions not affecting the constructions or meaning of those sections, subsections, chapters, titles, or policies as a whole. Should the School Board choose to make such technical corrections, it may be accomplished by resolution as part of the consent agenda without going through the normal policy adoption procedure.


This bylaw / policy has the following technical correction, Section C:

Attendees are encouraged to pre-register their request to speak during the Citizen Input segment and should sign in upon their arrival at the meeting by completing a speaker's form at the entry of the meeting hall indicating his/her full name; the topic he/she wishes to address; the name of the group or organization he/she is representing (if and when applicable); and will sign his/her signature. Persons requesting accommodations for a qualifying disability under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) should contact the Board Administrative Aide with their request no less than three (3) five (5) business days prior the meeting and complete a speaker's card identifying what accommodation is requested: (305) 293-1400 x 53323.





Recommend to Approve Technical Correction to Board Bylaw / Policy 0169.1


Board Meeting Date: November 22, 2022